No Co Payment Meaning

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides health care benefits to veterans. The plan covers a number of health care services, including preventative services, diagnostic and treatment services, and hospitalization. It may also cover nursing home and other long-term care options.

FAQ: What does no excess or no co-payments mean? Other funds may charge an excess or co-payments. An excess is the amount you agree to pay towards the cost of hospital treatment. Long-term care co-payments. The first 21 days of long-term care are free. Co-payments start on the 22nd day. Long-term care co-payments are calculated differently from other co-payments because they are set based on the individual veteran's financial status. Veterans must fill out a financial assessment to determine their co-payments.

Whats Co Payment


The standard benefits package includes: Preventative care services, outpatient diagnostic and treatment services (including mental health and substance abuse treatment), inpatient diagnostic and treatment services, prescriptions, and long-term care (including nursing home care for some veterans).

There are no Change of Control Payments except as set forth in the CoC Payment Schedule.

In the case of any CoC Payment made by the Purchaser (or the relevant Acquired Company, as the case may be), Sellers will have ten (10) Business Days after receipt of the relevant notice to pay the amount to Purchaser (or the relevant Acquired Company, as the case may be) as shown on the relevant Seller Payment Invoice.

In the case of any CoC Payment made by Seller US, the Purchaser (or the relevant Acquired Company, as the case may be) will have ten (10) Business Days after receipt of the relevant notice to pay the amount to Seller US as shown on the relevant Purchaser Payment Invoice.

Without limiting the rights and obligations of the Company, Buyer and Merger Sub under this Agreement, the Shareholders’ Representative shall be entitled to: (i) rely upon the Estimated Closing Statement, Allocation Schedule, the Transaction Expense Schedule, and the CoC Payment Schedule, (ii) rely upon any signature believed by it to be genuine, and (iii) reasonably assume that a signatory has proper authorization to sign on behalf of the applicable Company Holder.

Principal Payment Meaning

For the avoidance of doubt, any CoC Costs or any CoC Payment made without the prior written approval of the Transaction Steering Committee or the Purchasers’ Representative (in each case in accordance with this Section 8.4) shall not be deemed an Approved CoC Cost or an Approved CoC Payment for purposes of the sharing mechanism in Section 8.4(a).