Colorzilla Chrome

React is a Chrome DevTools chrome extension or chrome plugin that provides the open-source React JavaScript library for a website or web page. Among the list of chrome browser extensions, this extension allows you to check a React tree, comprising the component hierarchy, state, props, etc. ColorZilla – Color Picker Extension. ColorZilla is a Google Chrome and Mozilla extension that assists web developers and graphic designers with color related and other tasks. ColorZilla allows getting a color reading from any point in the browser, quickly adjusting this color and pasting it into another program, such as Photoshop. Single-click color picking - click on the main ColorZilla toolbar icon and you're ready to pick (currently only available on Windows). Pick colors from Flash objects Pick colors at any zoom level Check out for more info. For more free related video visit: This is a colorzilla tutorial video, by watching this video you can copy or save any.

Developer(s)Alex Sirota
Stable release
Operating systemCross-platform
TypeWeb browser, Web development
LicenseFreeware, Proprietary

ColorZilla is a Google Chrome and Mozillaextension that assists web developers and graphic designers with color related and other tasks.

ColorZilla allows getting a color reading from any point in the browser, quickly adjusting this color and pasting it into another program, such as Photoshop.

The extension allows zooming Web pages and measuring distances between any two points on the page. The built-in palette browser allows choosing colors from pre-defined color sets and saving the most used colors in custom palettes. DOM spying features allow getting various information about DOM elements.


  • Multiplatform - Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X
  • Page zooming
  • Palette viewer and editor (GIMP compatible)
  • History and Favorites palette
  • Page Pan
  • Displays element information (tag name, class, id, size)
  • Outline DOM elements
  • RGB, HSV, and HTML colors support
  • Auto copy
  • Launch DOM Inspector
  • Distance measurements

See also[edit]


  • Yeow, Cheah (2005). Firefox Secrets. City: SitePoint. pp. 251–255. ISBN0-9752402-4-2.
  • Reyes, Mel (2005). Hacking Firefox. New York: Wiley. ISBN0-7645-9650-0.
  • New edition of Firefox a sham; build a better browser yourself, The Daily Orange, September 5, 2007

External links[edit]

Retrieved from ''

Size: 267.6KB

License: FREE

Publisher:Publisher | Listed Programs

Release Date: 2018-07-18 | Changelog

Submit Date: 2018-07-18

Colorzilla app

OS: Windows 7/8/10 (32-Bit/64-Bit)

Downloads: 12209


ColorZilla is an extension for Google Chrome. It assists web developers and graphic designers with color related tasks - both basic and advanced.

With ColorZilla you can get a color reading from any point in your browser, quickly adjust this color and paste it into another program. You can Zoom the page you are viewing and measure distances between any two points on the page.

ColorZilla's built-in palette browser allows you to choose colors from pre-defined color sets and saving in custom palettes your most used colors. DOM spying features allow getting various information about DOM elements quickly and easily.


  • Eyedropper - get the color of any pixel in the browser window
  • An advanced Color Picker similar to ones that can be found in Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro
  • Zoom option makes picking colors easier
  • Palette Viewer and editor. Palettes fully compatible with GIMP.
  • Webpage DOM Color Analyzer - analyze DOM element colors on any Web page, find out what CSS rules set the colors, locate corresponding elements
  • Online Palette Viewer - allows viewing, bookmarking and sharing any color palette online, click here for an example
  • History and Favorites palettes
  • Page Pan option allows to quickly pan the page without using the scroll bars
  • Displays element information like tag name, class, id, size, relative mouse position etc.
  • Outline elements under the cursor
  • Multi-platform - works on MS Windows, Linux and MacOSX.
  • Manipulate colors by their Red/Green/Blue or Hue/Saturations/Value components.
  • Auto copy the generated or sampled colors in CSS RGB, Hex and other formats.
  • Launch the DOM Inspector or Firebug (if present) with the last selected element
  • Measure the distance between any two points in the browser window
  • Get the color of dynamic elements (hovered links etc.) by resampling the last sampled pixel
  • Customize the Color Picker resolution to give the best performance vs color precision
  • Can be hidden when not in use

'great tool'

Review Date: 2009-02-21

Pros: None

Cons: None

Other Thoughts: Great for designers.
Great color palette.

Descargar Colorzilla Chrome
